east van jam with max, jacko, and Johnny

here’s a nice recording jam from November 26th, of 2010. features max floatation, johnny bitze, and mike jackson along with yours truly. max on the drums if i’m not mistaken. and yes, that’s a real harmonica jacko is playing. has a spacy vibe, with a lot of nice textures in this nearly ten minute long recording.



Categorized as Moon Tunes

britney cover

this always makes me laugh. max and i recorded this on yew street back in 2002 or so.

Categorized as Moon Tunes

13th Street Studio vid

found this old video of max and i having fun way back in December of 2004. taken when i was living near cambie and 13th in vancouver. thought that it would be fun to share. enjoy!


Categorized as Moon Tunes

Oct 10th, 2005 jam session

one more moon tune for you here. this one was recorded back in april of 2005 by moon tunes regular Max Floatation and myself. starts off a little obscure, as many do, then transitions into a solid set of beats. it was fun making it… have fun listening.


Categorized as Moon Tunes

Daryl, max, and chez

i can’t believe that it’s been over nearly a year since our last moon
tunes jam. time really flies. we had a fantastic session to make up for it. d-rock, max floatation and yours truly had a multi hour session loaded with fun sounds, childish ramblings, deep ambient meanderings, and a heap of digital blippy blops. harmonicas and mandolins and ebows, oh my.


Jam # 1
Jam # 2
Jam # 3
Jam # 9

Categorized as Moon Tunes